AVL Tree
A tree is an AVL Tree if it is binary search tree and AVL balanced.
- We first define the balance factor = #height of right subtree - #height of left subtree
- AVL balanced means that each node of this tree satisfied balance factor in range
- we also call balance factor in range as AVL invariant
AVL have the same methods as the BST do, but need more about keep balanced
To have AVL Tree, we should modify the implement of BST.
Insert: The same insert with modify the height of node to track if balance factor. After insert, check the AVL invariant if satisfied. If not, then we need to do rebalance/rotation.
Delete: The same delete with modify the height of node to track if balance factor. After delete, check the AVL invariant if satisfied. If not, then we need to do rebalance/rotation.
Rebalance: base on balance factor negative or not, we will swap left/right children with parent; more specifically, we have 4 cases after insert/delete:
- insert/delete right, then left tree's right's height > left tree's left's: rotate left about left tree and then rotate right about root
- left tree's right's height <= left tree's left's: rotate right about root
- insert/delete left, then right tree's left's height > right tree's right's: rotate right about right tree and then rotate left about root
- right tree's left's height <= tree's right's: rotate left about root
- rotate left: swap root with right tree where root new right = right tree's left and right tree's left = root;
- rotate right: swap root with left tree where root new left = right tree's right and left tree's right = root;
Code in python given in lec:
def AVL-INSERT(root, x):
if root is NIL: # found insertion point
root = TreeNode(x) # initial height = 0
elif x.key < root.item.key:
root.left = AVL-INSERT(root.left, x)
elif x.key > root.item.key:
root.right = AVL-INSERT(root.right, x)
else: # x.key == root.item.key
# Just replace root's item with x -- nothing else changes.
root.item = x
return root
def AVL-REBALANCE-LEFT(root): # Precondition: root is not NIL
# Recalculate height.
root.height = 1 + max(root.left.height, root.right.height)
# Rebalance if necessary.
if root.right.height > 1 + root.left.height:
# Perform double rotation if necessary.
if root.right.left.height > root.right.right.height:
root.right = AVL-ROTATE-RIGHT(root.right)
root = AVL-ROTATE-LEFT(root)
return root
def AVL-REBALANCE-RIGHT(root): # Precondition: root is not NIL
# Recalculate height
root.height = 1 + max(root.left.height, root.right.height)
# Rebalance if necessary.
if root.left.height > 1 + root.right.height:
# Perform double rotation if necessary.
if root.left.right.height > root.left.left.height:
root.left = AVL-ROTATE-LEFT(root.left)
root = AVL-ROTATE-RIGHT(root)
return root
def AVL-ROTATE-LEFT(parent): # Precond: parent != NIL, parent.right != NIL
# Rearrange references.
child = parent.right
parent.right = child.left
child.left = parent
# Update heights.
parent.height = 1 + max(parent.left.height, parent.right.height)
child.height = 1 + max(child.left.height, child.right.height)
# Return new parent.
return child
def AVL-ROTATE-RIGHT(parent): # Precond: parent != NIL, parent.left != NIL
# Rearrange references.
child = parent.left
parent.left = child.right
child.right = parent
# Update heights.
parent.height = 1 + max(parent.left.height, parent.right.height)
child.height = 1 + max(child.left.height, child.right.height)
# Return new parent.
return child
def AVL-DELETE(root, x):
if root is NIL:
pass # nothing to remove
elif x.key < root.item.key:
root.left = AVL-DELETE(root.left, x)
root = AVL-REBALANCE-LEFT(root) # careful with direction!
elif x.key > root.item.key:
root.right = AVL-DELETE(root.right, x)
root = AVL-REBALANCE-RIGHT(root) # careful with direction!
else: # x.key == root.item.key
if root.left is NIL:
root = root.right # includes case root.right is NIL
elif root.right is NIL:
root = root.left
# Select whether to replace root.item with its predecessor or
# its successor, depending on the heights of subtrees.
if root.left.height > root.right.height:
root.item, root.left = AVL-DELETE-MAX(root.left)
root.item, root.right = AVL-DELETE-MIN(root.right)
# Height might have changed, but no rebalancing for root.
root.height = 1 + max(root.left.height, root.right.height)
return root
def AVL-DELETE-MIN(root):
if root.left is NIL:
return root.item, root.right
item, root.left = AVL-DELETE-MIN(root.left)
return item, root
def AVL-DELETE-MAX(root):
if root.right is NIL:
return root.item, root.left
item, root.right = AVL-DELETE-MAX(root.right)
return item, root
def AVL-SEARCH(root, k):
if root is NIL: # k not in root's subtree
pass # NIL will be returned below
elif k < root.item.key:
root = AVL-SEARCH(root.left, k)
elif k > root.item.key:
root = AVL-SEARCH(root.right, k)
else: # x.key == root.item.key
pass # root is the node we want
return root
Worst-Case Time Complexity
Operation | Time Complexity |
Search | O(log n) |
Insert | O(log n) |
Delete | O(log n) |