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Binary Search Tree

Let xx be a node in a Binary Search Tree(BST). If yy is a node in the left subtree of xx, then y.val<x.valy.val < x.val. If yy is a node in the right subtree of xx, then y.val>x.valy.val > x.val. That means we have a sorted list if we in-order travels (here the < and > stand for the priority).

  • The minimum of a BST is the left most node, the maximum is the right most node.
  • A successor of a BST is the minimum of its right children tree, or we can say as the left most node of right children tree.
  • A predecessor of a BST is the maximum of its left children tree.
  • When we say left/right most, means the most we can recursive the left/right 'till not.

A BST usually with the methods:

Insert(BST, x): Insert x into BST

Delete(BST, x): Delete x from BST

Search(BST, x): Return x if exist, or null if not exists.


Search: Compare with current root, if x.key>root.keyx.key > root.key then go right tree and repeat the comparison, if << then go left tree and then repeat the comparison 'till equal or none.

Insert: Similar idea with search, but the thing is that we need a notation of current comparison's parent while comparing so that we connect the notation and this node when compare done.

Delete: we do search of a node zz, when we find it, it will be deleted with 3 cases:

  1. (no children): replace this location with NULL
  2. (1 children): replace this location with zz's children
  3. (2 children): replace this location's value with zz's successor, and replace successor's location with NULL

A c++ code below in case (different with lec/clrs):

// object already be set up, and we assume the <, > respect to the priority of object for convinence
struct BST{
Obj obj;
BST* left;
BST* right:
BST(Obj obj, BST* left=nullptr, BST* right=nullptr){
this.obj = obj;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

bool search(BST* root, Obj x){
if (root == nullptr) return false;
if (x.key > root->obj.key) search(root->right, x);
if (x.key < root->obj.key) search(root->left, x);
return true

BST* insert(BST* root, Obj x){
if (root == nullptr) return new BST(x);
if (x.key > root->obj.key) return insert(root->right, x);
if (x.key < root->obj.key) return insert(root->left, x);
root->obj = x;
return root;

BST* delete(BST* root, Obj x){
if (root == nullptr) return;
if (x.key > root->obj.key) delete(root->right, x);
else if (x.key < root->obj.key) delete(root->left, x);
if (root->left == nullptr) root = root->right;
else if (root->right == nullptr) root = root->left;
else {
pair<Obj, BST*> remain = delete_min(root->right);
root->obj = remain.first;
root->right = remain.second;
return root;

pair<Obj, BST*> delete_min(BST* root){
if (root->left == nullptr) return {root->obj, root->right};
pair<Obj, BST*> remain = delete_min(root->left);
root->left = remain.second;
return {remain.first, root};

Worst-Case Time Complexity

OperationTime Complexity