How do we train models using gradient? And how do we solve the issues of gradient (i.e. learning rate). One way is to do derivative again. That is, We have Hessian Matrix which is a symmetric matrix.
Locally, a function can be approximated by its second-order Taylor approximation around a point : .
- also represent the curvature of the function. for some vector , leads the cost function curves upwards (i.e. positive curvature, positive definite). When , the cost function curves downwards (i.e. negative curvature).
- then the cost function is smooth and convex which means has no spurious local minima.
- We can also have the spectral decomposition of the Hessian matrix: , where is an orthogonal matrix and is a diagonal matrix. (i.e. the eigenvector matrix and eigenvalue matrix)
The problems are that the permutation symmetries (H property) will lead non-convex when we train nn with hide units.
Problems and Solutions
with some large positive eigenvalues and some eigenvalues close to zero, such situation be known as ill-conditioned curvature (e.g. GD may be slow to converge). That is, we bounded learning rate by ill-conditioned curvature where to avoid divergence. And also known as condition number where larger condition number leads to slower convergence.
To avoid the problem lead by ill-conditioned curvature, we usually normalized the input data to have zero mean and unit variance especially when they're in arbitrary units by .
For hidden units may have non-centered activation functions, we usually use:
- replace logistic units with tanh units, or
- use batch normalization which explicitly centers the activation function.
- momentum
Momentum is a simple and highly effective method to deal with ill-conditioned curvature. Formally, we have: and then .
- is the damping parameter which is usually set to 0.9/0.99. (slightly less than 1)
If we have a constant gradient, then the termianl velocity is .
Although most ill-conditioned curvature problems can be solved by momentum, normalization, there are still some problems that cannot be solved by momentum. For example, the ravines problem.
The second-order optimization by use curvature information is a good idea to solve it but too complicated and difficult to scale to large nn and large datasets.
One way is call Adam, beyond that let's introduce RMSprop.
RMSprop is a variant of GD which rescales each coordinate of the gradient to have norm 1 on average (i.e. normalize the gradient) by: and then .
We can always use it once it satisfies axis-aligned.
Adam = RMSprop + Momentum
more about Adam by Diedre Kingma and Jimmy Ba (our instructor).
Special points
Critical Points
The critical point is .
- for any critical point , exists and is positive definite is a local minimum.
Saddle Points
A saddle point is a point where:
- has both positive and negative eigenvalues.
- leads stuck in local minima.
A flat region is called plateaux. The gradient is zero, but the Hessian is positive definite.
- When such flat region appears on the activation function, it may lead the weights to be stuck in the same value. (saturated unit)
- E.g. ReLU with input always negative, the weights will be stuck in zero. (dead unit)