Conditional Independence and Bayes Nets
denote set so does and . We say and are conditionally independent given () iff:
If we can draw all random variables in a directed acyclic graph (DAG), then we can write down the joint distribution as a product of conditional distributions. That is, for random variables we have where is the set of parents of .
We also define D-separation (directed separation) as the notion of connectedness in DAGs in which two sets of variables may or may not be connected conditioned on a third set of variables.
- D-separation implies conditional independence and vice versa
- Formally, iff and are D-separated given
Combine those two, we have Bayes Ball algorithm:
- Shade all nodes
- place a ball at each node in or
- travel along the balls in the direction of the arrows
- if hit a node in , then
- else
Based on the arrow of the DAG, we define some rules if can hit a shaded node or not. Based on the question we find that there must exists two edges between one node. Based on arrow, we define if we can hit a shaded node or not.
- if two arrow point to the same shaded node, then we can hit the shaded node. Furthermore, if such node is not shaded, then we can't hit it.
- In all other cases, we can't hit the shaded node. And pass the non-shaded node.
- we can ignore the direction of the arrow to travel back if we satisfy the above rules.