Bayesian Linear Regression
BLR is used when Gaussian discriminative model p(y∣X) used for regression with a Bayesian analysis for the weights.
Recall if a random variable x∼N(μ,Σ), then the log probability density function is given by logp(x)=−21(x−μ)TΣ−1(x−μ)+const=−21xTΣ−1x+xTΣ−1μ+const. That is, if we know some random variable w follow a Gaussian distribution with logp(w)=−21wTAw+wTb+const, then w∼N(A−1b,A−1).
Consider y∣x∼N(w⊤ψ(x),σ2), then
the log likelihood for linear regression is the