Lasso Regression
The key point of Lasso Regression is to shrinks the coefficients toward 0 by penalizing their absolute values whereas find a model minimize
- is the tuning regularization parameter, OLS method; can be selected by cross-validation (select the smallest cv error)
- we define the estimate of coefficient is
- So we have the Loss function for Lasso is , Penality is which is the the penalty
- need to do variable selection to aviod f orce some coefficient to be exact zero when sufficiently large
Ridge estimator is unbiased
Cons and Pros
- A better job for prediction than the OLS approach by reducing the coefficient estimates (less variance)
- Computionally efficient than OLS, especially when u want to get best model from best subset selection
- better on sparse model (means some coefficient are truely 0) than Ridge; having both a smaller bias and smaller variance than Ridge
- force some coefficient to be exact zero when sufficiently large without variable selection
Group Lasso
When we face non linear model, we can group the coefficient ofeature that correlated (i.e. feature and feature ) , that is to minimize: where present coefficient for so that the same group parameters can be exactly to be shrinked to 0 simultaneously