Ridge Regression
The key point of Ridge Regression is to find a model minimize where shrinks the coefficients toward 0
- is the tuning regularization parameter, OLS method; can be selected by cross-validation (select the smallest cv error)
- we define the estimate of coefficient is
- is the shrinkage/regularization penalty where shrink toward 0;
- So we have the Loss function for Ridge is , Penality is which is the the penalty
- ridge regression requires the data to be standardized such that each predictor variable has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1., we use standardized predictors: where standard means
Cons and Pros
- A better job for prediction than the OLS approach by reducing the coefficient estimates (less variance)
- Computionally efficient than OLS, especially when u want to get best model from best subset selection
- Include all features which means no selecting of model so that hard to interpret
- Have loss in
- can't have coeffient exactly to 0