Basic Properties of Probabilities
We use Ω or S present the probability space, X present some other space;
Let Ω be some abstract space, Let F∈℘(Ω), F is a σ−algebra if satisfies the following properties:
- A∈Σ⟹Ac∈Σ
- Closed under the formation of complements, countable unions and countable intersections.
- ∅∈Σ∧Ω∈Σ
Usually, we have some σ−algebra property:
- The intersection of σ-algebra is still σ-algebra, but union is not
Measure and Probability
Let μ:F→[0,∞] be a function, is measure, if:
- μ(∅)=0
- ∀(An)n∈N⊆F,Ai∩Aj=∅,i=j⟹μ(⋃n∈NAn)=∑n∈Nμ(An)
A measure μ:Σ→[0,∞] is a probability ⟺μ(Ω)=1
That's a probability is a measure, we call it probability measure (P or P). Let A⊆S be an arbitrary event so that probability measure has properties:
- 0≤P(A)≤1,P(A)∈R
- P(∅)=0,P(S)=1
- P is countably additive. An are disjoint ∀n∈N,n>0,s.t.A1∪A2∪…=A⟹P(A1∪A2∪…)=P(A1)+P(A2)+…
Measure Space and Probability Space
Let F⊆℘(X) be σ-algebra and μ be a measure on F.
- (X,F) is a measurable space
- (X,F,μ) is a measure space
- μ(X)=1⟹ denote X as Ω, μ as P, then we have a measure space become a probability space (Ω,F,P)
∀A∈F,μ(A)=0,N⊆A is a Null set. Nc∈Σ is a true μ−almost surely.
Properties of Measure Space
Let (X,F,μ) be a measure space, then for any A,B,A1,A2,…∈F:
- A⊆B⟹μ(A)≤μ(B)
- A⊆⋃n∈NAn⟹μ(A)≤∑n∈Nμ(An)
- As sequence (An)n∈N increases to A⟹limn→∞P(An)=P(A)
- P(A)+P(Ac)=1
- (An)n∈N decreases to A⟹limn→∞P(An)=P(A)
Properties of Probability
Continuity of Probability: Let F⊆℘(Ω) be a σ−algebra. Suppose (An)n∈N⊆Σ and limn→∞An=A. Then, A∈F and limn→∞P(An)=P(A)
In probabilities, we have 3 kinds of probability need to calculate where: Marginal probability P(A), Joint Probability P(A∩B) and Conditional Probability P(A∣B).
- Joint Probability = Marginal Probability × Conditional Probability where P(A∩B)=P(B∣A)P(A)
- Conditional Probability only work on dependent situation, where A⊥B⟺P(B)=P(B∣A) and also A⊥B⟹P(A∩B)=P(A)P(B)
Let A,B,C⊆S where B∪C=S then we have A=A∩S=A∩(B∪C). Similarly, we have the probability of A P(A)=P(A∩B)+P(A∩C)=P(A∣B)P(B)+P(A∣C)P(C)
- From this, we can conclude, ∀Bi,i≥1,⋃i=1Bi=B⟹P(A)=P(A∩B)=∑i=1P(A∣Bi)P(Bi)
(Bayes Theorem): P(A∩B)=P(A∣B)P(B)=P(B∣A)P(A) so that P(B∣A)=P(A)P(A∣B)P(B) and verse visa. More stronger we have P(A)=∑i=1P(A∣Bi)P(Bi) so that P(B∣A)=∑i=1P(A∣Bi)P(Bi)P(A∣B)P(B)
Independent implies uncorrelated, but converse is false.