Let X be a discrete random variable with PMF pX. Let Y=h(X),h:R→R is some function. Then Y is also discrete with PMF pY(y)=∑x∈h−1(y)pX(x)
Let X be a absolute continuous random variable with PDF fX. Let Y=h(X),h:R→R is a differentiable and strictly function. Then Y is also absolutely continuous with PDF fY(y)=∣h′(h−1(y))∣fX(h−1(y))
Let X,Y be jointly absolute continuous random variables with PDF fXY. Let Z=h1(X,Y),W=h2(X,Y),h1,h2:R2→R are differentiable function. Let one-to-one h=(h1,h2):R2→R2. Then the joint density function fZ,W(z,w)=fX,Y(h−1(z,w))/∣J(h−1(z,w))∣ where J(x,y)=det[∂x∂h1∂y∂h1∂x∂h2∂y∂h2] is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix
Let X,Y be independent, let Z=X+Y. Then:
- pZ(z)=∑ypX(z−y)pY(y) for discrete X and Y
- fZ(z)=∫−∞∞fX(z−y)fY(y)dy for continuous X and Y