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Group Definition

Binary operation: a function map G×GGG\times G \to G, denote such function by \cdot then we can write (x,y)\cdot(x,y) or xyx\cdot y to present the operation acting on x,yx,y.

  • x,y,zG,(xy)z=x(yz)    \forall x,y,z \in G, (x\cdot y)\cdot z = x\cdot (y\cdot z) \iff \cdot is associative
  • a,bG,ab=ba    \forall a,b \in G, a\cdot b = b\cdot a \iff \cdot is commutative

Some e.g.

  1. in Z,+:Z×ZZ\mathbb{Z}, +:\mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{Z}
  2. in R,:R×RR\mathbb{R}, \cdot: \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}


Group is triple (G,e,)(G, e, \cdot), :G×GG\cdot: G\times G \to G is binary operation, eGe\in G, satisfied:

  1. x,y,zG,(xy)z=x(yz)\forall x,y,z \in G, (x\cdot y)\cdot z = x\cdot (y\cdot z) (associativity)
  2. aG,ae=ea=a\forall a \in G, a\cdot e=e\cdot a = a, eGe\in G is the identity of G (identity)
  3. aG,bG,ab=ba=e\forall a\in G, \exists b\in G, a\cdot b = b\cdot a = e, b is the inverse of aa
  4. x,y,xGyG    xyGyxG\forall x,y, x \in G \land y \in G \implies x\cdot y \in G \land y \cdot x \in G (closure)

e.g. ({0},0,)(\{0\}, 0, \cdot) , (R,0,+)(\mathbb{R}, 0, +), (R\{0},0,)(\mathbb{R}\backslash\{0\}, 0, \cdot), ({e},e,),ee=e(\{e\}, e, \cdot), e\cdot e = e

We may find some element are special where we can use them to generate the group by use group operation start from identity, such element is called generators of the group.

  • e.g. for group (Z4,0,+)(\Z_4, 0, +), 1,31,3 are generators, but 0,20, 2 are not (0+2 = 2, 2 + 2 = 0, no such way to generate 1 and 3 in Z4\Z_4).

We define the number of elements of a group as Order of group, denote by G|G|. We also define Order of an element aGa\in G as a=#{ak:kZ}|a| = \# \{a^k: k\in \mathbb{Z}\}

Group Theorem

  1. Group's identity and inverse is unique (uniqueness of identity and inverse)
  2. a,b,cG,ab=bc    a=c\forall a,b,c \in G, a\cdot b = b\cdot c\implies a= c and a,b,cG,ba=cb    a=c\forall a,b,c \in G, b\cdot a = c\cdot b\implies a= c (cancellation law)
  3. a,bG,(ab)1=b1a1\forall a,b \in G, (a\cdot b)^{-1} = b^{-1}\cdot a^{-1} (Socks-Shoes Property)

Group Type

  1. Finite Group: G|G| means the number of elements in GG or order of a group. If G<|G| < \infin
  2. Abelian: a,bG,ab=ba    G\forall a,b \in G, a\cdot b = b \cdot a \implies G is Abelian

see more different classes groups

Center and Centralizer

Center is defined as a subset of group GG by Z(G)Z(G) satisfied {aG:ax=xa,xG}\{a\in G:ax = xa, \forall x \in G\}

Let aa \in group GG, denote the Centralizer of aGa\in G as C(a)C(a) which satisfied {gG:ga=ag}\{g\in G : ga = ag\}

Diff: one for elements satisfied all element of GG, one for elements satisfied aGa\in G; Z(G)C(a)Z(G) \sube C(a)


We define HH is a Subgroup of GG if HGH\sube G and HH is a group with respect the binary operation on GG. Denote HGH \le G.

  • each group has at least a trivial subgroup {e}\{e\}.
  • H<GH < G is a proper subgroup of GG.
  • e.g. (Z6,0,+)(\Z_6, 0, +) has subgroups ({0},0,+)(\{0\}, 0, +), (Z6,0,+)(\Z_6, 0, +), ({0,2,4},0,+)(\{0,2,4\}, 0, +), $

HH is a normal subgroup of G    gG,gHg1=HG \iff \forall g\in G, gHg^{-1} = H. Denote HGH \vartriangleleft G

Subgroup Test

Let GG be a group:

  • If HGH\sube G is a nonempty subset, and a,bH    ab1H\forall a,b \in H \implies a\cdot b^{-1} \in H, then HH is a subgroup of GG. (One-step test)
  • If HH is nonempty subset of GG, (a,bH    abH)(a1H)(a,b\in H \implies ab\in H) \land (a^{-1}\in H), then HH is a subgroup of GG (two-step test)
  • If HH is nonempty finite subset of GG and HH is closed under the operation of GG, then HH is a subgroup of GG. (finite subgroup test)
  • The center of GG is a subgroup of GG
  • The centralizer of GG is a subgroup of GG
  • gGg\in G, the cyclic group g\langle g\rangle is a subgroup of GG.