We define G={an:n∈Z}=⟨a⟩ is a Cyclic Group.
∀g∈G,⟨g⟩ is a subgroup of G (cyclic subgroup). g is the genrator here.
cyclic group is abelian
H≤G is a subgroup of G, g∈G, g∈H⟺⟨g⟩⊆H
subgroups of cyclic groups are cyclic, ∣⟨a⟩∣=n⟹ the order of any subgroup of ⟨a⟩ is a divisor of n; ∀k∣n,k>0, the group ⟨a⟩ has exactly one subgroup of order k
Let H≤G be a subgroup, and let g∈G, then g∈H is equivalent to ⟨g⟩⊆H
let k∈Z+,k∣n⟹ϕ(d)= number of elements (with order d) in a cyclic group of order n
- ∣⟨a⟩∣=∞, the number of elements of order d is a multiple of ϕ(d)
- The smallest positive integer n,gn=e⟹∣g∣=n or infinite order (order of element of group)
- ∣g∣=n⟹gk⋅gl=gk+l(mod n)
- ak=e=an⟹agcd(k,n)=e or ∣a∣=gcd{n∈N:an=e}
Cyclic Group Theorem
Given precondition: G be some group and a∈G.
Theorem 1
From above, we have corollary that:
- the order of element a is the same as the order of group ⟨a⟩, i.e. ∣a∣=∣⟨a⟩∣
- ∣a∣=n∧ak=e⟹n∣k
- ∣G∣=∞, a,b∈G,ab=ba⟹∣ab∣∣∣a∣∣b∣
Theorem 2
∣a∣=n⟹⟨ak⟩=⟨agcd(n,k)⟩ where k∈Z+
∣a∣=n⟹∣ak∣=n/gcd(n,k) where k∈Z+
From above, we have corollary that:
- ∀b∈⟨a⟩,∣a∣=∞⟹∣b∣∣∣a∣
- ∣a∣=n. ⟨ai⟩=⟨aj⟩⟺gcd(n,i)=gcd(n,j)⟺∣ai∣=∣aj∣
- ∣a∣=n.
Theorem 3 Fundamental Theorem of Cyclic Group
∀⟨b⟩≤⟨a⟩,∣a∣=n⟹∣b∣∣n, that is, ∀k∈Z+,k∣n⟹