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Group Homomorphisms

Let G,GG, \overline{G} be groups, ϕ:GG\phi: G\to \overline{G} be a mapping, x,yG,ϕ(xy)=ϕ(x)ϕ(y)    ϕ\forall x,y\in G, \phi(xy) = \phi(x)\phi(y) \implies \phi is a homomorphism.

  • the kernel of a homomorphism ϕ:GH\phi: G\to H is :Ker(ϕ)={gG:ϕ(g)=eH}: Ker(\phi) = \{g\in G: \phi(g) = e_H\}
    • the kernel of a isomorphism ϕ:GH\phi: G\to H is a subgroup of GG
    • the kernel is a normal subgroup of GG
  • the image of a homomorphism ϕ:GH\phi: G\to H is :Im(ϕ)={hH:hG,ϕ(g)=h}: Im(\phi) = \{h\in H: \exists h\in G, \phi(g) = h\}
    • the image of a homomorphism ϕ:GH\phi: G\to H is a subgroup of HH

Homomorphisms Property

let ϕ:GG\phi: G\to \overline{G} be a homomorphism and gGg\in G :

  • ϕ\phi carries the identity of GG to the identity of G\overline{G} (i.e ϕ(eG)=eH\phi(e_G) = e_H)
  • nZ,ϕ(g)n=ϕ(gn)\forall n\in \Z, \phi(g)^n = \phi(g^n)
  • g<    ϕ(g)g|g| < \infty \implies |\phi(g)| | |g|
  • Ker(ϕ)Ker(\phi) is a subgroup of GG
  • ϕ(a)=ϕ(b)    aKer(ϕ)=bKer(ϕ)\phi(a) = \phi(b) \iff aKer(\phi) = bKer(\phi)
  • ϕ(g)=g    ϕ1(g)={xG:ϕ(x)=g}=gKer(ϕ)\phi(g) = g' \implies \phi^{-1}(g') = \{x\in G: \phi(x) = g'\} = gKer(\phi)

Properties of Subgroups Under Homomorphisms

Let ϕ:GG\phi: G\to \overline{G} is a homomorphism, HGH \le G, KGK \le \overline{G} then:

  • ϕ(H)={ϕ(h)hH}\phi(H) = \{\phi(h) | h\in H\} is a subgroup of G\overline{G}
  • HH is cyclic     \implies ϕ(H)\phi(H) is cyclic
  • HH is Abelian     \implies ϕ(H)\phi(H) is Abelian
  • HH is Normal     \implies ϕ(H)\phi(H) is Normal in ϕ(G)\phi(G)
  • Ker(ϕ)=n    ϕ|Ker(\phi)| = n \implies \phi is an n-to-1 mapping from GG onto G\overline{G}
  • H=n    ϕ(H)n|H| = n \implies |\phi(H)||n
  • ϕ1(K)={kG:ϕ(k)K}\phi^{-1}(K) = \{k\in G: \phi(k) \in K\} is a subgroup of GG
  • if KK is normal, then ϕ1(K)\phi^{-1}(K) is normal in GG

Theorem: Normal Subgroups Are Kernels

Every normal subgroup NN of a group GG is the kernel of a homomorphism of GG (i.e. ϕ:GG/N    N=Ker(ϕ)\phi:G \to G/N \implies N = Ker(\phi))

Isomorphism Theorems

(First Isomorphism Theorem): let ϕ:GG\phi: G\to \overline{G} be a homomorphism. Then G/Ker(ϕ)ϕ(G)G/Ker(\phi)\to \phi(G) is an isomorphism, i.e. ϕ(G)/Ker(ϕ)ϕ(G)\phi(G)/Ker(\phi) \approx \phi(G)

  • ϕ(G)G|\phi(G)| | |G| and ϕ(G)G|\phi(G)| | \overline{G}
  • (N/C theorem): NN is the normalizer of group HGH \le G, and CC is the centralizer of HH in GG, then N/CAut(H)N/C \approx Aut(H)

(Second Isomorphism Theorem): Let A,BA, B be subgroups of GG, and assume that AA is a subgroup of N(B)N(B):

  • ABAB is a subgroup of GG
  • BB is normal in ABAB, ABA\cap B is normal in AA
  • AB/BA/ABAB/B\cong A/A\cap B

(Third Isomorphism Theorem): Let GG be a group, and consider two normal subgroups H,KH, K of GG such that HH is a subgroup of KK:

  • K/HK/H is a normal subgroup of G/HG/H
  • (G/H)/(K/H)G/K(G/H)/(K/H)\cong G/K