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Heap is a binary tree with the max/min among its children value in its root, and also, for all of its child tree, their root also is the max/min among their child tree.

Heapify(heap, i): For node ii, keep ii is maintain order compare to its children

Insert(heap, i): insert ii and compare it to its parent to keep order

Extract(heap): return the max/min value

HeapSort(heap): return a sorted list


We use array to implement heap, named it arrarr, but think it as binary tree, where for the ii node, the parent of this node is arr[(i1)/2]arr[\lfloor (i - 1)/2\rfloor], the left node is arr[2(i+1)1]arr[2(i + 1) - 1] and the right node arr[2(i+1)]arr[2(i+1)]. In 1-index, it will be change into: the parent of this node is arr[i/2]arr[\lfloor i/2\rfloor], the left node is arr[2i]arr[2i] and the right node arr[2i+1]arr[2i + 1]

  • e.g. [0,1,2,3,4,5,6][0, 1,2,3,4,5,6]
  • the parent of 1 and 2 is the node 0 (i.e. (2-1)/2 = 0, (1-1)/2 = 0); same for 3,4 (i.e. (3-1)/2 = 1 = (4-1)/2 = 1)
  • the left node of 1 is arr[3]arr[3] and right node is arr[4]arr[4]
flowchart TD
id1((0)) --> id2((1)) --> id4((3))
id1 --> id3((2)) --> id6((5))
id3 --> id7((6))

To heapify a specific node ii: we compare i and its two children node, find the larger/lower base on the (min heap/max heap) switch and keep tracking the lower level

To insert a value: we first insert at the end and compare with its parent and recursive to do it 'till can't.

To extractMax/extractMin: we first switch the first node value and last node's value and then do the heapify operation. (Notice, method may different from different instructor, some of them may more like move forward last to first instead of swap, that is, when they ask the number of times swap it will less 1 than swap first & last.)

Priority Queue is a maxheap.

For a given array, we need to use heapify every parent node to make it heap.

We can use a heapified array to do heap sort, where we use the property max/min and switch it with the last element and then heapify to keep heap work.

example code for ez version maxheap:

vector<int> maxh;
mh.push_back(INT_MIN); // insert a trash value so that we can start from 1 which make life easier :)
void heapify(vector<int>& heap, int root){
// check if root is the last
int n = heap.size() - 1;
if (root == n) return; // Since in the end, we have nothing to compare which shows the max order maintain
int maxchild = root; // the term we will return; if no child or order already maintain, then we stay
int left = 2 * root, right = left + 1;
if (left < n && heap[root] < heap[left]) maxchild = left;
if (right < n && heap[maxchild] < heap[right]) maxchild = right;
if (maxchild == root) return; // order maintain then we go
swap(heap[root], heap[maxchild]); // exist bigger, then we switch then continue heapify
heapify(heap, maxchild);
}// log n

void insert(vector<int>& heap, int x){
int n = heap.size() - 1;
int parent = (n&1)? (n-1)/2: n/2;
while(parent != 0 && heap[parent] < heap[n]){
swap(heap[parent], heap[n]);
n = parent;
parent = (n&1)? (n-1)/2: n/2;
}// logn

int extractMax(vector<int>& heap){
int n = heap.size() - 1;
swap(heap[n], heap[1]);
int rst = heap[n];
heapify(heap, 1);
return rst;
}// logn

vector<int> heapsort(vector<int>& heap){
vector<int> rst;
while(heap.size() != 1) rst.push_back(extractMax(heap));
return rst;
}// nlogn in reverse order;

// given a unknown list, assume this list idx 0 contain a trash
vector<int> heapsort(vector<int>& unknown){
vector<int> rst;
int start = 1. n = unknown.size() - 1;
while(n >= 1){
int parent = (n&1)? (n-1)/2: n/2;
heapify(unknown, parent);
while(heap.size() != 1) rst.push_back(extractMax(unknown));
return rst;
} // nlogn + nlogn in reverse order;

Worst-Case Time Complexity

OperationTime Complexity
HeapifyO(log n)
InsertO(log n)
ExtractO(log n)
HeapSortO(n log n)
ExtractMax/ExtractMinO(log n)
decrease/increase keyO(log n)
deleteO(log n)