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LMs: Language Models

LMs may be evaluated extrinsically through their embedded performance on other tasks

  • instead An LM may be evaluated intrinsically according to how


uncertainty, surprised, information

enocde outcome as binary tree, i.e. the required bit = S(x)=log2(1/P(x))=log2P(x)S(x) = \log_2(1/P(x)) = -\log_2P(x)

  • additive bits for independent events

entropy: the average uncertainty/information/surprisal of a (discrete) random variable X.

  • $H(X) = \sum_x P(x) -\lox_2 p(x)
  • less average uncertainty (entropy) when the probabilities are skewed (means easy to predict and less bits to use).
  • maximum entropy when uniform distrobution, i.e. uniform X with V choices, then H(X)=log2VH(X) = \log_2 V


An LM P may infinitely generates one word after another which lead H(X)=H(X) = \infty

  • A corpus c is a prefix of x

we use per-word entropy rate, i.e. Hrate(X)=limNH(X1,,XN)log2VH_{rate}(X) = \lim_{N\to \infty} H(X_1,\ldots,X_N) \le \log_2V

Joint Enropy: the average amount of information nedded to specify multiple variables simultaneously.

  • maximum when independent

Conditional entropy: the average amount of information needed to specify one variable given that you know another

Mutual information: the average amount of information sahred between variables

  • the amount of uncertainty removed in variable X if you know Y
  • H(X,Y)=H(X)+H(Y)I(X;Y)H(X,Y) = H(X) + H(Y) - I(X;Y)

Until now, we use P()P() to present the possbility, but as long as we are using Language the such PP won't fix, so we would like to use a distribution QQ to approxmiate it.

Cross-entropy: measures the uncertainty of a distribution QQ of samples drawn from P,P, H(X;Q) = \sum_x P(x) - \log_2 Q(x)$

  • we still keep a PP here to avoid the bad approxmiation
  • as QQ nears PP, cross-entropy nears entropy
  • we pay for this mismatch with added uncertainty

Some notices:

  • we can evaluate QQ but not PP
  • corpus c=x1,,xNc = x_1,\ldots, x_N is drawn from PP


  1. Let s1,s2,...,sms1, s2, ..., sm be c's sentences where msm=N\sum_m |sm| = N
  2. Hrate(X)1/NH(X1,...,XN)H_{rate}(X) \approx 1/N H(X1, ..., XN) \leftarrow by large NN
  3. 1/NH(X1m,,,mXN;Q)(QP)\approx 1/N H(X1m ,,,m XN;Q)\leftarrow (Q\approx P)
  4. 1/Nlog2Q(c)1/N - \log_2 Q(c)
  5. 1/NmMlog2Q(m)1/N \sum_m^M -\log_2 Q(m) \leftarrow negative log likelihood (NLL)
  6. with time invariance, ergodicity and Q=PQ=P, NLL approaches HrateH_{rate} as NN\to \infty
  7. 6 can be proved by markov chain, mento carlo...

KL divergence see more on csc412



entropy, KL divergence and perplexity can all be used to justify a preference for one method/idea over another

shallow statistics are often not enough to be truly meaningful