based on attention is all you need
attention(Q,K,V): Q:query; K: key; V: value
- Attention(Q,K,V) = softmax(QK.T/sqrt(dK))V
- dK stand for dimension of matrix K
- Residual connection
- some problems here! NN struglle to learn the identity function mapping
- solution: add back the input embeddings to the sub-layer's output moving up
- Layer Normalization
- what we do: Normlaize input layer's distribution to 0 mean and 1 standard deviation
- why we should do? Removes uninformative variation in layer's features
- some problems here! we call this post-LN, some times we need warm up with learn rate.
- alternative: pre-LN: puts layer-norm within the residual block. Allows removing warm-up stage. More stable training initialization.
- Transformer Encoder - Self Attention, steps:
- calculate the quer, key and value for each toekn
- calculate the attention score between query and keys
- normalize the attention scoress by applying softmax
- calculate values by taking a weighted sum
- we also have Multi-head self Attention (MHA)
feed-forward(FFN) layers:
- why we need? Attention only re-weight the value vectors, we need to apply non-linearities (activations_ to enable (deep) learning
- FFn provide non-linear activation to attention layer outputs (what we want)
position encoding:
- why we need? attention
Masked self-attention:
- enforce auto-regressive language modeling objective. the decoder cannot peek and pay attention to the unknown future words
- solution: use a look-head mask M, by setting attention
tansformer based language model
BERT; bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
- impressive performance, performance better than human and SOTA peers
- encoder-only architecturue, lead some problem like:
BART; adds the decoder back to BerT and keepign the BERT objective
T5: Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer
GPT: generative Pretrained Transformer
- GPT3: very alrge models (175B parameters)
- prompt does matter