We say the way transfer an element of a collection to the other collection as function. In mathematic, we always use function to transfer an element of a set to the other set. (Obviously set is a kind of collection.) Or sample space in statistics, or parameters in CS.
Generally, given two sets A and B, we define a function from A to B is a rule or mapping that takes each element x∈A and associate with it a single element of B.
Let f be function map A to B, or we also can say f is a function from A to B where:
- A is the domain of this function (Input)
- B is the codomain of this function (output)
- ∀a∈A,f(a)∈B
Injective function or 1→1:
- A function f:A→B, ∀x,y∈A.(x=y⟹f(x)=f(y))
- A function f:A→B, ∀x,y∈A.(f(x)=f(y)⟹x=y)
- The Pigeonhole Principle: Let A,B be sets, ∣A∣>∣B∣ ⟹ no such injective function f:A→B
- In other language, we present this theory as: If there are m pigeon and n pigeonholes, not matter how we assign pigeons to pigeonholes, at least one pigeonhole will have at least ⌈m/n⌉
Surjective function or onto:
- A function f:A→B, ∀b∈B,∃a∈A(f(a)=b)
- Let A,B be sets, ∣A∣<∣B∣ ⟹ no such surjective function f:A→B (reverse pigeonhole principle)
hits times: a∈A,b∈B,b is hit k times by function f if there are k distinct a∈A are such that f(a)=b or we can say ∣{a∈A:f(a)=b}∣=k
Contrapositives of Pigeonhole Principle:
- ∃f,f is injective f:A→B⟹∣A∣≤∣B∣
- ∃f,f is surjective f:A→B⟹∣A∣≥∣B∣
Cantor's Theorem:
- ∀A,A is a set, there is no surjective functions between A and ℘(A)
- ℘ denote the powerset where ℘(A) is the set contain all subset of set A
- Prove:
- Let f:A→℘(A) be any function, D={a∈A:a∈/f(a)}
- D⊆A and D∈℘(A)
- Assume ∃a∈A,f(a)=D
- Assume a∈D
- contradiction with assumption D={a∈A:a∈/f(a)}
- Then assume a∈/D
- {a}∈℘(A) then a∈f(a)
- f(a)=D then a∈D
- contradiction with assumption D={a∈A:a∈/f(a)}
- Combine 4 & 5, no such a∈A exists.
- No such f(a)=D, f is not surjective, and no surjective function map A→℘(A)
Cardinality: Let F={f∣f:A→B}. ∃f∈F,f is bijective ⟹ A and B have the same cardinality. Normally, we use cardinality to describe the size of a collection.
- Schroder-Bernstein Theorem: For A and B, there exist a injective function f:A→B and another injective function g:B↦A, then A and B have the same cardinality.
- f:N→S⟹S is countable
Triangle Inequality : the absolute value function:
- ∣x∣={x,x≥0−x,x<0
- ∣ab∣=∣a∣∣b∣
- ∣a+b∣≤∣a∣+∣b∣
Functional Limits
Functional Limit : Let f:A→R, and let c be a limit point. Then ∀ϵ>0,∃δ>0,∣x−c∣>δ⟹∣f(x)−L∣<ϵ or limx→cf(x)=L
Sequential Criterion for Functional Limits: following two are equivalent
- limx→cf(x)=L
- ∀(xn)⊆A satisfies xn=c and (xn)→c, then f(xn)→L
Algebraic Limit Theorem for Functional Limit:
- limx→ckf(x)=kL,∀k∈R
- limx→c[f(x)+g(x)]=L+M
- limx→c[f(x)g(x)]=LM
- limx→cf(x)/g(x)=L/M
Continuous Functions
Continuity: Let function f:A→B, let c∈A, if ∀ϵ>0,∃δ>0,∣x−c∣>δ⟹∣f(x)−f(c)∣<ϵ, then we say function f is continuous at c
- If f is continuous at every point in A, then f is continuous on A
- ∀U⊆B,f−1(U) is open ⟺f is continuous (see open Set)
Characterizations of Continuity: f is continuous at point c should satisfied one of following:
- ∀ϵ>0,∃δ>0,∣x−c∣>δ⟹∣f(x)−f(c)∣<ϵ
- ∀Vϵ(f(c)),∃Vδ(c),x∈Vδ(c)⊆A⟹f(x)∈Vϵ(f(c))
- (xn)→c⟹f(xn)→f(c)
- limx→cf(x)=f(c)
Criterion for Discontinuity: Let function f:A→R, let c∈A be a limit point of A. (xn)⊆A,(xn)→c⟹f(xn)↛f(c), then we say this function f is discontinue at c
Algebraic Continuity Theorem: Let function f:A→R,and function g:A→R, both are continuous at a point c∈A:
- kf(s) is continuous at c for all k∈R
- f(x)+g(x) is continuous at c
- f(x)g(x) is continuous at c
- f(x)/g(x) is continuous at c,whereg(x) is properly defined.
Continuous Functions on Compact Sets
A subset S⊂R may have a boundary or be bounded:
If it is bounded above, then ∃M∈R,∀s∈S,s≤M. M in this case is the upper bound for S.
- If ∀L∈R,L is a upper bound of S, M≤L then we call M is the least upper bound (supremum)
If it is bounded below, then ∃M∈R,∀s∈S,s≥M. M in this case is the lower bound for S.
- If ∀G∈R,G is a upper bound of S, M≥G then we call M is the greatest lower bound (infimum)
If a set is bounded above and below, then it's a bounded set.
If a set has a maximum, then the set is bounded above and the maximum is the least upper bound.
If a set has a minimum, then the set is bounded below and the minimum is the greatest lower bound.
Least Upper Bound Principle:
- Every nonempty subset of R is bounded above has a supremum.
- Every nonempty subset of R is bounded below has a infimum.
Let f be a real-valued continuous function on [a,b] and z∈R satisfies f(a)<z<f(b). Then there is a point c∈(a,b) such that f(c)=z.
- If f be a real-valued continuous function on [a,b], then f([a,b]) is an closed interval.
- Let S⊂Rn and f be a real-valued continuous function on S. If there is a path from a to b in S such that f(a)<z<f(b), then there is a point c on the path such that f(c)=z.