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Let CC be a collection. aC,bC\{a},a=b    C\forall a\in C, \nexists b\in C\backslash \{a\}, a = b \implies C is a set.

Let A,BA, B be a set. aA,aB    ABBA\forall a\in A, a\in B \implies A\subseteq B\land B\supseteq A. Or we say AA is BB's subset and BB is AA's superset respectively, that's a subset/superset of a set can be itself.


Given aRa\in \mathbb{R}, a set SRS\subseteq \mathbb{R} and ϵ>0\epsilon>0:

  1. ϵneighborhood\epsilon-neighborhood is the set Vϵ(a)={xR:xa<ϵ}V_{\epsilon}(a)=\{x\in\mathbb{R}:|x-a|<\epsilon\}
  2. SS is open set if sS\forall s\in S, Vϵ(s)S\exists V_{\epsilon}(s)\subseteq S
    • The union of an arbitrary collection of open sets is open
    • The intersection of a finite collection of open sets is open
  3. For a point xx, Vϵ(x) A{x}    x\forall V_{\epsilon}(x)\ \cap A \ne \{x\} \implies x is a limit point of AA (here\ne try to present except x, there is another value)
    • let L=L= all limit points of AA. The closureclosure of AA can present as Aˉ=AL\bar A= A \cup L
    • xx is a limit point of AA     \iff A sequence{an},anx\{a_n\}, a_n\ne x, x=limanx=\lim a_n
  4. aa is a isolated point if it is not a limit point
  5. AA is closed if it contains all of its limit points
    • the closure set is closed, and is the smallest closed set contain itself without limit points.
    • The union of a finite collection of closed sets is closed
    • The intersection of arbitrary collection of closed sets is closed
    • AA is closed     \iff Every Cauchy Sequence A\in A has a limit to an element of AA
  6. The complement of AA denote as Ac={xR:xA}A^c = \{x\in\mathbb{R}:x\notin A\}
  7. AA is open     \iff AcA^c is closed
  8. AA is bounded if M>0,aA,aM\exists M>0, \forall a\in A, |a|\le M
  9. AA is compact if every sequence in AA has a subsequence that converges to a limit A\in A
    • AA is compact     \iff AA is closed and bounded
  10. open cover is a collection of open set that union contains the set AA. Let {Ln}\{L_n\} be the open cover then AnLnA\subseteq \cup_n L_n
  11. finite subcover is a finite sub-collection of open sets from open cover that union still contain AA.
  12. Heine-Borel Theorem: any one of following can implies other two
    • AA is compact
    • AA is closed and bounded
    • every open cover for AA has a finite subcover
  13. A set AA is dense in another set BB, nB,nAϵ>0,nϵA\forall n\in B, n\in A \lor \exists \epsilon > 0, |n-\epsilon|\in A


We define two operations for set, union and intersect.

Let A,BA, B be arbitrary sets:

  • we say AB=CA \cup B = C or AA union BB equal CC if (aA,aC)(bB,bC)(\forall a\in A, a\in C) \land (\forall b\in B, b\in C)
  • we say AB=CA \cap B = C or AA intersect BB equal CC if aA,aB    aC\forall a\in A, a\in B \implies a \in C; the specific situation is no such element in AA also in BB, then C==ABC = \empty = A\cap B
  • For convenience, we use naAn\cap_{n}^{a} A_n to present AnAn+1AaA_{n}\cap A_{n+1}\cap \cdots\cap A_{a} similarly for \cup
  • Given a specific space SS, and a set ASA\subseteq S. S\A=BS \backslash A = B, we say the BB is the complement of AA over SS, we always denote BB as AcA^c

Some Property of operation:

  • AB    AB=AAB=BA\subseteq B \implies A \cap B = A \land A\cup B = B
  • AiAi\cap A_i \subseteq \cup A_i
  • A1,A2,B    AiBA_1,A_2,\ldots \subseteq B \implies \cup A_i \subseteq B
  • A1,A2,B    AiBA_1, A_2, \dots \supseteq B \implies \cap A_i \supseteq B
  • AB=BAA\cup B = B \cup A and AB=BAA\cap B = B\cap A
  • (Ai)B=(AiB)(\cup A_i) \cap B = (\cup A_i \cap B)
  • (Ai)B=(AiB)(\cap A_i) \cup B = (\cap A_i \cup B)
  • (AB)c=AcBc(A\cup B)^c = A^c \cap B^c and (Ai)c=Aic(\cup A_i)^c = \cap A_i^c
  • (AB)c=AcBc(A\cap B)^c = A^c \cup B^c (Ai)c=Aic(\cap A_i)^c = \cup A_i^c
  • AB=ABcA-B = A\cap B^c
  • AΔB=(AB)(BA)A\Delta B = (A-B)\cup (B-A)
  • (AB)C=A(BC)(A\cup B)\cup C = A\cup (B\cup C) and (AB)C=A(BC)(A\cap B)\cap C = A\cap (B\cap C) (Associative law)
  • A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A\cup (B\cap C) = (A\cup B)\cap (A\cup C) and A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A\cap (B\cap C) = (A\cap B)\cup (A\cap C) (Distributive law)

Cantor Set: We define the Cantor Set CC to be the intersection C=n=0CnC=\bigcap_{n=0}^{\infty}C_n

  • e.g. c0={x[0,1]}c_0 = \{x\in [0,1]\},
  • c1={x[0,13][23,1]}c_1 = \{x\in [0,\frac{1}{3}] \cup [\frac{2}{3},1]\}
  • c2={x[0,19][29,13][23,79][89,1]}c_2 = \{x\in [0,\frac{1}{9}] \cup [\frac{2}{9},\frac{1}{3}]\cup [\frac{2}{3},\frac{7}{9}]\cup [\frac{8}{9},1]\}
  • c3={x[0,127][227,19][29,13][23,79][89,2527][2627,1]}c_3 = \{x\in [0,\frac{1}{27}] \cup [\frac{2}{27},\frac{1}{9}]\cup [\frac{2}{9},\frac{1}{3}]\cup [\frac{2}{3},\frac{7}{9}]\cup [\frac{8}{9},\frac{25}{27}]\cup[\frac{26}{27},1]\}
  • repeat kind of process to get cnc_n
  • Then we find that C=n=0CnC=\bigcap_{n=0}^{\infty}C_n\ne\emptyset
  • CC is bounded
  • CC is closed, since arbitrary intersection of closed set is closed
  • CC is compact
  • CC is uncountable
  • CC is perfect set

Some fact:

  • R\mathbb{R} and \emptyset are the only two both open & close sets


    1. \emptyset vacuous satisfies arbitrary property of open and close
    2. Rc=\mathbb{R}^c=\emptyset , since \emptyset is open, R\mathbb{R} is close. since \emptyset is close, R\mathbb{R} is open.
    3. R\mathbb{R} and \emptyset are both open and close
    4. Assume a set AA is both open and closed, AR,AA\ne \mathbb{R}, A\ne \emptyset
    5. Let a1A,b1Ac,a<ba_1\in A, b_1\in A^c, a < b
    6. If a1+b12A\frac{a_1+b_1}{2} \in A, then let a2=a1+b12,b2=b1a_2 = \frac{a_1+b_1}{2}, b_2 = b_1 If a1+b12Ac\frac{a_1+b_1}{2} \in A^c, then let a2=a1,b2=a1+b12a_2 = a_1, b_2 = \frac{a_1+b_1}{2}
    7. we build sequence (an)A,(bnAc)(a_n)\in A, (b_n\in A^c) in this way
    8. we found that an=an1a_n = a_{n-1} or an1+bn12\frac{a_{n-1}+b_{n-1}}{2} eventually to 00, which means ana_n is bounded above
    9. liman\lim a_n exists by bounded
    10. since anbn=(an1bn1)12|a_n -b_n| = |(a_{n-1} - b_{n-1})\frac{1}{2}|, limanbn=0\lim a_n -b_n = 0, limb\lim b also exist
    11. liman=c=limbn\lim a_n = c = \lim b_n for some cc
    12. Since AA is closed, cAc\in A and AcA^c is close cAcc\in A^c, but contradiction by definition of complement
    13. A can not be both open and close
  • a set is not necessary to be open or close, it can be not open and not close