Let C be a collection. ∀a∈C,∄b∈C\{a},a=b⟹C is a set.
Let A,B be a set. ∀a∈A,a∈B⟹A⊆B∧B⊇A. Or we say A is B's subset and B is A's superset respectively, that's a subset/superset of a set can be itself.
Given a∈R, a set S⊆R and ϵ>0:
- ϵ−neighborhood is the set Vϵ(a)={x∈R:∣x−a∣<ϵ}
- S is open set if ∀s∈S, ∃Vϵ(s)⊆S
- The union of an arbitrary collection of open sets is open
- The intersection of a finite collection of open sets is open
- For a point x, ∀Vϵ(x) ∩A={x}⟹x is a limit point of A (here= try to present except x, there is another value)
- let L= all limit points of A. The closure of A can present as Aˉ=A∪L
- x is a limit point of A ⟺ A sequence{an},an=x, x=liman
- a is a isolated point if it is not a limit point
- A is closed if it contains all of its limit points
- the closure set is closed, and is the smallest closed set contain itself without limit points.
- The union of a finite collection of closed sets is closed
- The intersection of arbitrary collection of closed sets is closed
- A is closed ⟺ Every Cauchy Sequence ∈A has a limit to an element of A
- The complement of A denote as Ac={x∈R:x∈/A}
- A is open ⟺ Ac is closed
- A is bounded if ∃M>0,∀a∈A,∣a∣≤M
- A is compact if every sequence in A has a subsequence that converges to a limit ∈A
- A is compact ⟺ A is closed and bounded
- open cover is a collection of open set that union contains the set A. Let {Ln} be the open cover then A⊆∪nLn
- finite subcover is a finite sub-collection of open sets from open cover that union still contain A.
- Heine-Borel Theorem: any one of following can implies other two
- A is compact
- A is closed and bounded
- every open cover for A has a finite subcover
- A set A is dense in another set B, ∀n∈B,n∈A∨∃ϵ>0,∣n−ϵ∣∈A
We define two operations for set, union and intersect.
Let A,B be arbitrary sets:
- we say A∪B=C or A union B equal C if (∀a∈A,a∈C)∧(∀b∈B,b∈C)
- we say A∩B=C or A intersect B equal C if ∀a∈A,a∈B⟹a∈C; the specific situation is no such element in A also in B, then C=∅=A∩B
- For convenience, we use ∩naAn to present An∩An+1∩⋯∩Aa similarly for ∪
- Given a specific space S, and a set A⊆S. S\A=B, we say the B is the complement of A over S, we always denote B as Ac
Some Property of operation:
- A⊆B⟹A∩B=A∧A∪B=B
- ∩Ai⊆∪Ai
- A1,A2,…⊆B⟹∪Ai⊆B
- A1,A2,⋯⊇B⟹∩Ai⊇B
- A∪B=B∪A and A∩B=B∩A
- (∪Ai)∩B=(∪Ai∩B)
- (∩Ai)∪B=(∩Ai∪B)
- (A∪B)c=Ac∩Bc and (∪Ai)c=∩Aic
- (A∩B)c=Ac∪Bc (∩Ai)c=∪Aic
- A−B=A∩Bc
- AΔB=(A−B)∪(B−A)
- (A∪B)∪C=A∪(B∪C) and (A∩B)∩C=A∩(B∩C) (Associative law)
- A∪(B∩C)=(A∪B)∩(A∪C) and A∩(B∩C)=(A∩B)∪(A∩C) (Distributive law)
Cantor Set: We define the Cantor Set C to be the intersection C=⋂n=0∞Cn
- e.g. c0={x∈[0,1]},
- c1={x∈[0,31]∪[32,1]}
- c2={x∈[0,91]∪[92,31]∪[32,97]∪[98,1]}
- c3={x∈[0,271]∪[272,91]∪[92,31]∪[32,97]∪[98,2725]∪[2726,1]}
- repeat kind of process to get cn
- Then we find that C=⋂n=0∞Cn=∅
- C is bounded
- C is closed, since arbitrary intersection of closed set is closed
- C is compact
- C is uncountable
- C is perfect set
Some fact:
R and ∅ are the only two both open & close sets
- ∅ vacuous satisfies arbitrary property of open and close
- Rc=∅ , since ∅ is open, R is close. since ∅ is close, R is open.
- R and ∅ are both open and close
- Assume a set A is both open and closed, A=R,A=∅
- Let a1∈A,b1∈Ac,a<b
- If 2a1+b1∈A, then let a2=2a1+b1,b2=b1
If 2a1+b1∈Ac, then let a2=a1,b2=2a1+b1
- we build sequence (an)∈A,(bn∈Ac) in this way
- we found that an=an−1 or 2an−1+bn−1 eventually to 0, which means an is bounded above
- liman exists by bounded
- since ∣an−bn∣=∣(an−1−bn−1)21∣, liman−bn=0, limb also exist
- liman=c=limbn for some c
- Since A is closed, c∈A and Ac is close c∈Ac, but contradiction by definition of complement
- A can not be both open and close
a set is not necessary to be open or close, it can be not open and not close