In the previous section, we study the Euclidean norm, but how about the general norm?
Let V be vector space over R (not exactly R, is fine for Rm or polynomail space etc), we define the norm on V is a function ∥⋅∥ on V taking values in [0,∞) satisfied the following properties:
In a normed vector space (V,∥⋅∥), a sequence {vn} is said to be converges to v∈V if limn→∞∥vn−v∥=0.
We also say {vn} is Cauchy sequence if ∀ϵ>0,∃N>0 such that ∀n,m≥N,∥vn−vm∥<ϵ.
A normed vector space is complete if every Cauchy sequence converges to some point in the space, we also call it Banach space.
We define the open ball with center v∈V and radius r>0 over (V,∥⋅∥) as the set Br(a)={x∈V:∥x−v∥<r}.
A subset U of V is open if ∀u∈U,∃r>0,s.t.Br(u)⊂U. And a subset C of V is closed if V−C is open, or equivalently, it contains all its limit points, or (vn)∈C,(vn)→v⟹v∈C.
A sequence (vn) in a normed vector space V converges to a vector v if and only if for each open set U containing v, there is an N such that vn∈U for all n≥N.
A subset K of V is compact if every sequence in K has a convergent subsequence.
let {v1,…,vn} be a linearly independent set of vectors over the normed vector space (V,∥⋅∥), then ∃c,0<c<Cs.t.∀a=(a1,…,an)∈Rn,c∥a∥2≤∥∑i=1naivi∥≤C∥a∥2.
Let a=(a1,…,an) and {v1,…,vn} be a basis of the normed vector space (V,∥⋅∥). We then can define a linear transformation (map) T:Rn→V by T(a)=∑i=1naivi, and its inverse T−1:V→Rn by T−1(∑i=1naivi)=(a1,…,an)=a. (both map are Lipschitz continuous)
A subset A∈V is closed, bounded, open or compact ⟺T−1(A) is closed, bounded, open or compact respectively.
A finite dimensional subspace of a normed vector space is complete, and in particular, it is closed.
Let a normed vector space (V,∥⋅∥) and its finite dimensional subspace W⊂V. ∀v∈V,∃w∗∈W,s.t.∥v−w∗∥=infw∈W∥v−w∥.
Any two norms on a finite dimensional space are equivalent
Similarly, an inner product space is a vector space with an inner product.
Some examples of inner product spaces:
C[a,b] is an inner product spaces with inner product <f,g>=∫abf(x)g(x)dx. This gives rise to the L2 norm.
ℓ2 consists of all sequences x=(xn)i=1∞ such that ∥x∥2:=∑i=1∞xi2<∞ with inner product <x,y>=∑i=1∞xiyi. Since its finite, then it is a complete inner product space.
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: Let V be an inner product space, ∀x,y∈V,∣<x,y>∣≤∥x∥∥y∥.
if x,y are collinear, then ∣<x,y>∣=∥x∥∥y∥. (collinear basically means x and y are in the same line)