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In the previous section, we study the Euclidean norm, but how about the general norm?

Let VV be vector space over R\R (not exactly R\R, is fine for Rm\R^m or polynomail space etc), we define the norm on VV is a function \|\cdot\| on VV taking values in [0,)[0, \infty) satisfied the following properties:

  • xV,x=0    =0\forall x \in V, x = 0 \implies \|\cdot\| = 0 (positive definite)
  • xV,αx=αx\forall x \in V, \|\alpha x\| = |\alpha| \|x\| (homogeneous)
  • x,yV,αx+βyαx+βy\forall x, y \in V, \|\alpha x + \beta y\| \leq |\alpha| \|x\| + |\beta| \|y\| (triangle inequality)

And we also define (V,)(V, \|\cdot\|) is a normed vector space, and we define the unit ball over such space is the set {xV:x1}\{x \in V: \|x\| \leq 1\}.

Some examples of norms:

  • The Euclidean norm: x=i=1nxi2\|x\| = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2} satisfies properties and 3 can be proved by Schwarz's inequality.
  • Let KK be a compact subset of Rn\R^n, and C(K)C(K) presents the vector space of all continuous functions on KK. Then we have the uniform norm f=supxKf(x)\|f\|_{\infty} = \sup_{x \in K} |f(x)|
  • We also use LpL^p norm which defined as fp=(Kf(x)pdx)1/p\|f\|_p = \left(\int_K |f(x)|^p dx\right)^{1/p} for p1p \geq 1 where p[1,)p\in [1, \infty) and KK is compact subset of Rn\R^n.

Generalized Convergent

In a normed vector space (V,)(V, \|\cdot\|), a sequence {vn}\{v_n\} is said to be converges to vVv \in V if limnvnv=0\lim_{n \to \infty} \|v_n - v\| = 0.

We also say {vn}\{v_n\} is Cauchy sequence if ϵ>0,N>0\forall \epsilon > 0, \exists N > 0 such that n,mN,vnvm<ϵ\forall n, m \geq N, \|v_n - v_m\| < \epsilon.

A normed vector space is complete if every Cauchy sequence converges to some point in the space, we also call it Banach space.

We define the open ball with center vVv\in V and radius r>0r > 0 over (V,)(V, \|\cdot\|) as the set Br(a)={xV:xv<r}B_r(a) = \{x \in V: \|x - v\| < r\}.

A subset UU of VV is open if uU,r>0,s.t.Br(u)U\forall u \in U, \exists r > 0, s.t. B_r(u) \subset U. And a subset CC of VV is closed if VCV - C is open, or equivalently, it contains all its limit points, or (vn)C,(vn)v    vC(v_n) \in C, (v_n) \to v \implies v \in C.

A sequence (vn)(v_n) in a normed vector space VV converges to a vector vv if and only if for each open set UU containing vv, there is an NN such that vnUv_n \in U for all nNn \geq N.

A subset KK of VV is compact if every sequence in KK has a convergent subsequence.

finite dimensional normed vector space

let {v1,,vn}\{v_1, \ldots, v_n\} be a linearly independent set of vectors over the normed vector space (V,)(V, \|\cdot\|), then c,0<c<Cs.t.a=(a1,,an)Rn,ca2i=1naiviCa2\exists c, 0 < c < C s.t. \forall a = (a_1, \ldots, a_n) \in \R^n, c \|a\|_2 \le \|\sum_{i=1}^n a_i v_i\| \le C \|a\|_2.

Let a=(a1,,an)a = (a_1, \ldots, a_n) and {v1,,vn}\{v_1, \ldots, v_n\} be a basis of the normed vector space (V,)(V, \|\cdot\|). We then can define a linear transformation (map) T:RnVT: \R^n \to V by T(a)=i=1naiviT(a) = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i v_i, and its inverse T1:VRnT^{-1}: V \to \R^n by T1(i=1naivi)=(a1,,an)=aT^{-1}(\sum_{i=1}^n a_i v_i) = (a_1, \ldots, a_n) = a. (both map are Lipschitz continuous)

  • A subset AVA \in V is closed, bounded, open or compact     T1(A)\iff T^{-1}(A) is closed, bounded, open or compact respectively.

A finite dimensional subspace of a normed vector space is complete, and in particular, it is closed.

Let a normed vector space (V,)(V, \|\cdot\|) and its finite dimensional subspace WVW \subset V. vV,wW,s.t.vw=infwWvw\forall v\in V,\exists w^* \in W, s.t. \|v - w^*\| = \inf_{w \in W} \|v - w\|.

Any two norms on a finite dimensional space are equivalent

Inner Product Space

Recall inner product on a vector space VV is a function <x,y><x, y> on pairs (x,y)(x, y) of vectors in V×VV \times V taking values in R\R satisfying the following properties:

  • xV,<x,x>0\forall x \in V, <x, x> \geq 0 and <x,x>=0    x=0<x, x> = 0 \iff x = 0 (positive definite)
  • x,yV,<x,y>=<y,x>\forall x,y \in V, <x, y> = <y, x> (symmetric)
  • x,y,zV,α,βR,<αx+βy,z>=α<x,z>+β<y,z>\forall x,y,z \in V, \alpha, \beta \in \R, <\alpha x + \beta y, z> = \alpha <x, z> + \beta <y, z> (bilinearity)

Similarly, an inner product space is a vector space with an inner product.

Some examples of inner product spaces:

  • C[a,b]C[a, b] is an inner product spaces with inner product <f,g>=abf(x)g(x)dx<f, g> = \int_a^b f(x)g(x) dx. This gives rise to the L2L^2 norm.
  • 2\ell^2 consists of all sequences x=(xn)i=1x = (x_n)_{i = 1}^{\infty} such that x2:=i=1xi2<\|x\|_2 := \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} x_i^2} < \infty with inner product <x,y>=i=1xiyi<x, y> = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} x_i y_i. Since its finite, then it is a complete inner product space.

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: Let VV be an inner product space, x,yV,<x,y>xy\forall x, y \in V, |<x, y>| \leq \|x\| \|y\|.

  • if x,yx,y are collinear, then <x,y>=xy|<x, y>| = \|x\| \|y\|. (collinear basically means xx and yy are in the same line)
  • f,gC[a,b]\forall f, g\in C[a, b], we have <f,g>(abf(x)2dx)1/2(abg(x)2dx)1/2|<f, g>| \leq (\int_a^b |f(x)|^2 dx)^{1/2} (\int_a^b |g(x)|^2 dx)^{1/2}.
  • Inner product space follows the triangle inequality: x,yV,x+yx+y\forall x, y \in V, \|x + y\| \leq \|x\| + \|y\|.
  • (xn)(x_n) converges to xx and (yn)(y_n) converges to yy in VV     <xn,yn>\iff <x_n,y_n> converges to <x,y><x,y> in VV. Or equivalently, Let VV with induced norm V\|\cdot\|_V, then the inner product is continuous.

Every inner product space is a normed vector space.


Recall we say two vector x,yx,y are orthogonal if <x,y>=0<x, y> = 0. And a set is orthogonal if every pair of vectors in the set are orthogonal.

Denote such finite orthogonal set {e1,,en}\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\}, for some vector ww if w=i=1naieiw = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i e_i for some aiRa_i \in \R, then <w,ei>=ai<w,e_i> = a_i for all ii. That is, we says xspan{e1,,en}\forall x \in span\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\}, x=i=1n<x,ei>eix = \sum_{i=1}^n <x, e_i> e_i.

  • For any vv, vi=1n<v,ei>eiv-\sum_{i=1}^n <v, e_i> e_i is orthogonal to {e1,,en}\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\}.
  • such a set {e1,,en}\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\} is called an orthonormal basis     \iff it is maximal with respect to being orthogonal.
  • An inner product space of dimension nn has an orthonormal basis with nn elements.

Let finite orthogonal set {e1,,en}\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\} in an inner product space VV. yV<y,ei>=βi\forall y \in V <y, e_i> = \beta_i and x=i=1nαieix = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i e_i for some αiR\alpha_i \in \R, then <x,y>=i=1nαiβi<x, y> = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \beta_i.

  • x2=<x,x>=i=1nαi2\|x\|^2 = <x, x> = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i^2.
  • if such set is basis, then the inner product is the dot product given by <x,y>=<i=1nαiei,i=1nβiei>=i=1nαiβi<x,y> = <\sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i e_i, \sum_{i=1}^n \beta_i e_i> = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \beta_i.

We define projection on an inner product space VV is a linear map P:VVP: V \to V such that P2=PP^2 = P. We say such PP is an orthogonal projection if Ker(p)={vV:Pv=0}Ker(p) = \{v\in V: Pv = 0\} is orthogonal to Im(P)=PV=ran(P)Im(P) = PV = ran(P).

Let PP be the projection on a normed vector space VV then:

  1. Ker(P)=ran(IP)Ker(P) = ran(I - P).

Specifically, if VV is also a inner product space, and PP is an orthogonal projection, then:

  1. xV,x2=Px2+(IP)x2\forall x \in V, \|x\|^2 = \|Px\|^2 + \|(I-P)x\|^2.
  2. PP is uniquely determined by its range.

Proejction Theorem: Let MM be a finite-dimensional subspace of an inner product space VV and PP the orghogonal proejction with ran(P)=Mran (P) = M. Then xM,yV,yx2=yPx2+Pxx2\forall x\in M, y\in V, ||y-x||^2 = ||y-Px||^2 + ||Px-x||^2, that is PyPy is the closest vector in MM to yy.

  • {e1,,en}\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\} is an orthonormal basis of MM     \implies Py=i=1n<y,ei>eiPy = \sum_{i=1}^n <y, e_i> e_i
  • y2i=1n<y,ei>2\|y\|^2 \ge \sum_{i = 1}^n <y, e_i>^2.

Infinite set and Fourier Series

Define PC[π,π]PC[-\pi, \pi] be the vector space of piecewise continuous functions ff on [π,π][-\pi, \pi] with the inner product <f,g>=12πππf(x)g(x)dx<f, g> = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^\pi f(x)g(x) dx. Then PC[π,π]PC[-\pi, \pi] is an inner product space.

The functions 1,2cosnθ,2sinnθ,n11,\sqrt{2}\cos n\theta, \sqrt{2}\sin n\theta, \forall n \ge 1 form an orthonormal set in PC[π,π]PC[-\pi, \pi] with this inner product. We define trigonometric polynomial f(θ)=a0+n=1ancosnθ+bnsinnθf(\theta) = a_0 + \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n \cos n \theta + b_n \sin n \theta, and such all polynomials are denoted as TP\mathbb{TP}

  • <f,1>=a0<f,1> = a_0, <f,cosnθ>=an/2<f, \cos n \theta> = a_n/2, <f,sinnθ>=bn/2<f, \sin n \theta> = b_n/2.

Formally, we define a0+n=1ancosnθ+bnsinnθa_0 + \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n \cos n \theta + b_n \sin n \theta is the Fourier series of ff where f:[π,π]Rf: [-\pi, \pi] \to \R is piecewise continuous and a0=12πππf(x)dxa_0 = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^\pi f(x) dx, an=1πππf(x)cosnxdxa_n = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^\pi f(x) \cos n x dx, bn=1πππf(x)sinnxdxb_n = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^\pi f(x) \sin n x dx

  • (an)n0(a_n)_{n\ge 0} and (bn)n1(b_n)_{n\ge 1} are called the Fourier coefficients of ff.
  • the Fourier series of a trigonometric polynomial is the polynomial itself.
  • only work if ff is Riemann integrable.

fPC[π,π]    f \in PC[-\pi, \pi] \implies Fourier Coefficient are bounded. More precisely, ff is absolutely continuous on [π,π]    a0f1[-\pi, \pi] \implies |a_0| \le \|f\|_1, an2f1|a_n| \le 2\|f\|_1, bn2f1|b_n| \le 2\|f\|_1.

Orthogonal Expansions

BESSEL'S INEQUALITY: Let VV be an inner product space and {e1,,en}\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\} be an orthonormal set in VV. Then xV,x2i=1n<x,ei>2\forall x \in V, \|x\|^2 \ge \sum_{i=1}^n |<x, e_i>|^2.

A complete inner product space is a Hilbert space.

Every orthogonal set is countable     \implies separable of its Hilbert space.

PARSEVAL'S THEOREM: Let HH be an Hilbert space and E={e1,,en}E = \{e_1, \ldots, e_n\} be an orthonormal basis of HH. Let M=span(E)M = \overline{span(E)} consists of all vectors x=nαnenx = \sum_{n} \alpha_ne_n where αn2\alpha_n \in \ell^2. xH,xM    x2=i=1n<x,ei>2\forall x\in H, x\in M \iff \|x\|^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n |<x, e_i>|^2

  • Must exists a PMP_M of HH is continuous linear orthogonal projection onto MM given by PMx=i=1n<x,ei>eiP_Mx = \sum_{i=1}^n <x, e_i> e_i.