Let (an)n=1∞ be a sequence of numbers, we define a infinite series with terms an is the formal expression ∑n=1∞an. Define a sequence of partial sums(sn)n=1∞ by sn=∑k=1nak
The sequence of partial sums converges ⟹ this series converges or summable. Where shown in let L=n→∞limsn=∑n=1∞an
∑n=1∞n1 aka the harmonic series is diverge where 1+21+⋯≥1+21+2(41)+⋯=1+n/2 where use the partial sum and group from 2n−1 to 2n where always exists 2n−1 numbers in between
prove this converge:
(THEOREM 3.1.4) ∑n=1∞an converge ⟹n→∞liman=0, but verse not.
Which means, if we check and get the limit is not 0 we can immediately to judge it is diverge.
(CAUCHY CRITERION FOR SERIES): Let ∑i=1∞ai be such series:
(THE COMPARISON TEST): Let (an) and (bn) be 2 sequence of real numbers where ∀n≥1,∣an∣≤bn
(bn) converge ⟹(an) converge where ∣∑n=1∞an∣≤∑n=1∞bn
(an) diverge ⟹(bn) diverge
(THE ROOT TEST): Consider a sequence (an), ∀k,ak≥0, let l=limsupnan. l<1⟹∑n=1∞an converges, and l>1⟹∑n=1∞an diverges.
A sequence is alternating if it has the form ((−1)nan) or ((−1)n+1an) where ∀n≥1,an≥0
(LEIBNIZ ALTERNATING SERIES TEST): Suppose that (an)n=1∞ is a monotone decreasing sequence and an≥0 where n→∞lim=0. Then alternating series ∑n=1∞(−1)nan converges.
(THE LIMIT COMPARISON TEST): If n=1∑∞an and n=1∑∞bn are series with bn≥0 such that n→∞limsupbn∣an∣<∞ and n=1∑∞bn<∞, then the series n=1∑∞an converges.
(THE RATIO TEST): Suppose that (an)n=1∞ is a sequence of positive terms. If n→∞limsupanan+1<1, then n=1∑∞an converges. Conversely, n→∞liminfanan+1>1 , then n=1∑∞an diverges.
(THE INTEGRAL TEST): Let f(x) be a positive, monotone decreasing function on [1,∞). The sequence (f(n)) is summable if and only if ∫1∞f(x)dx<∞.
∑n=1∞an is called absolutely convergent⟹∑n=1∞∣an∣ converges. A series converges but is not absolutely convergent is called conditionally convergent.
An absolutely convergent series is convergent.
A rearrangement of a series ∑n=1∞an is another series with the same terms in a different order. this can be described by a permutation π of the natural numbers N determining the series ∑n=1∞aπ(n)
(THEOREM 3.3.5): Every rearrangement of an absolutely convergent series converges to the same limit.
(THEOREM 3.3.7): A rearrangement of a series ∑n=1∞an is conditionally convergent series ⟹∀L∈R there exists a rearrangement that converges to L