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Topology Of N Demensional Real Number

We define a 1×n1\times n vector in Rn\R^n is a point where a zero vector is all 00

The Euclidean norm of vector xx on Rn\R^n or the length of vector xx is x=(x1,x2,,xn)=(i=1nxi2)1/2||x|| = ||(x_1, x_2,\ldots, x_n)|| = (\sum_{i=1}^n|x_i|^2)^{1/2}.

  • As we don't define the norm, it always assume as x2||x||_2

We also define the dot product of x,yx, y is written as x,y=(x1,,xn),(y1,,yn)=i=1nxiyi\lang x, y\rang = \lang (x_1, \ldots, x_n), (y_1, \ldots, y_n)\rang = \sum_{i = 1}^n x_iy_i

  • rx+sy,z=rx,z+sy,z\lang rx + sy, z\rang = r\lang x, z\rang + s\lang y, z\rang
  • x,sy+tz=sx,y+tx,z\lang x, sy+ tz\rang = s\lang x, y\rang + t\lang x, z\rang

(SCHWARZ INEQUALITY): x,yRn,x,yx y\forall x,y \in \R^n, |\lang x, y\rang| \le ||x|| \ ||y||

  • x,yx,y colinear     x,y=x y\iff |\lang x, y\rang| = ||x|| \ ||y||

(TRIANGLE INEQUALITY): The triangle inequality holds for the Euclidean norm on Rn\R^n: x,yRn,x+yx+y\forall x,y \in \R^n, ||x+y|| \le ||x|| + ||y||

  • x=0y=cx    x+y=x+yx = 0 \lor y = cx \implies ||x+y|| = ||x|| + ||y||

A set {v1,,vm}Rn\{v_1, \ldots, v_m\} \subset \R^n is orthonormal if vi,vj=δij\lang v_i, v_j\rang = \delta_{ij} for 1i,jm1\le i, j \le m where δij=0,ij,δii=1\delta_{ij} = 0, \forall i\ne j, \delta_{ii} = 1. If such orthonormal set can spans Rn\R^n, it is an orthonormal basis.

  • a very basic and common orthonormal basis is {e1,,en}\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\}
  • if such set with size n, aka, {v1,,vn}=n|\{v_1, \ldots, v_n\}| = n, it's linear independent.

(LEMMA 4.1.3): Let {v1,,vm}\{v_1, \ldots, v_m\} be an orthonormal set in Rn\R^n, aiR,i=1maivi=(i=1mai2)1/2\forall a_i \in \R, ||\sum_{i =1}^m a_i v_i || = (\sum_{i =1}^m |a_i|^2)^{1/2}.

Convergence in Rn\R^n

A sequence of points (xn)(x_n) in Rn\R^n converges to a point aa if ϵ>0,NN,N=N(ϵ),nN,xna<ϵ\forall \epsilon > 0, \exists N \in \N, N = N(\epsilon), \forall n \ge N, ||x_n - a|| < \epsilon we also write as limnxn=a\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} x_n = a

  • let xi(xn)x_i \in (x_n) be xi=(xi1,,xin)x_i = (x_{i1}, \ldots, x_{in}), the point a=(a1,,an)a = (a_1, \ldots, a_n). limkxk=a    limkxki=aii=1,,n\lim\limits_{k\to \infty} x_k = a\iff \lim\limits_{k\to \infty} x_{ki} = a_i\forall i = 1, \ldots, n

Similarly, the Cauchy sequence in Rn\R^n is defined as ϵ>0,NN,n,mN,xnxm<ϵ\forall \epsilon > 0, \exists N \in \N, \forall n, m \ge N, ||x_n - x_m|| < \epsilon

  • The complete in Rn\R^n defined: a set SRnS\subset \R^n is complete if every Cauchy sequence of points in SS converges to a point in SS
    • Rn\R^n is complete.
  • A convergent sequence is also Cauchy, but a Cauchy sequence is not necessarily convergent. e.g n2/n\lfloor n\sqrt{2} \rfloor / n is Cauchy but not convergent in Q\mathbb{Q}.

Close and Open

Limit Point: A point aa is a limit point of a subset SRnS\subseteq \R^n if there exists a infinite sequence {xn}\{x_n\} in SS such that limnxn=a\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} x_n = a where xnSx_n \in S.

Closed Set: A set SS is closed if SS contains all of its limit points.

  • A,BRnA,B\subseteq \R^n is closed     AB\implies A\cup B is closed
    • think about Ai=[0,nn+1]A_i = [0, \frac{n}{n+1}] where i=1Ai=[0,1)\bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty} A_i = [0, 1) which is not closed.
  • AiRn\forall A_i\subseteq \R^n, AiA_i is closed     i=1kAi\implies \bigcap_{i=1}^k A_i is closed where kk can be infinite.

Closure: The closure of a set SS is the set contains all limit points of SS and SS denote as S\overline{S}

  • Every Closure is the smallest closed set containing SS

A ball of radius rr centered at aa in Rn\R^n is the set Br(a)={xRn:xa<r}B_r(a) = \{x\in \R^n: ||x-a|| < r\}

Cluster Point: A point aa is a cluster point of a subset SRnS\subseteq \R^n if there exists a sequence (an)(a_n) in S{a}S \setminus \{a\} such that limnan=a\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} a_n = a where anSa_n \in S.

Open Set: A set SS is open iff ScS^c is closed.

  • We can also define open set as aS,r>0,Br(a)S\forall a\in S, \exists r > 0, B_r(a) \subseteq S
  • All balls are open set
  • A,BRnA,B\subseteq \R^n is open     AB\implies A\cap B is open
    • think aout Ai=(1n,1n)A_i = (-\frac{1}{n}, \frac{1}{n}) where i=1Ai={0}\cap_{i=1}^{\infty} A_i = \{0\} which is not open.
  • AiRn\forall A_i\subseteq \R^n, AiA_i is open     i=1kAi\implies \bigcup_{i=1}^k A_i is open where kk is infinite.

The interior of a set SS is the largest open set inside SS and denote as intS\text{int} S.


A subset SS of Rn\R^n is compact if every sequence in SS has a convergent subsequence to a point in SS.

  • SS then is closed and bounded
  • Every closed subset of a compact set is compact
  • [a,b]n[a,b]^n is compact for any a,bRa,b \in \R

THE HEINE-BOREL THEOREM: a subset SS of Rn\R^n is compact if and only if closed and bounded.

CANTOR'S INTERSECTION THEOREM: Let AiA_i be a decreasing nonempty compact subset of Rn\R^n for i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots, n. Then i=1nAi\bigcap_{i=1}^n A_i is nonempty and compact.

The Cantor Set is a fractal subset of R\R defined as S0=[0,1]S_0 = [0, 1] and S1=[0,13][23,1]S_1 = [0, \frac{1}{3}] \cup [\frac{2}{3}, 1] and S2=[0,19][29,13][23,79][89,1]S_2 = [0, \frac{1}{9}] \cup [\frac{2}{9}, \frac{1}{3}] \cup [\frac{2}{3}, \frac{7}{9}] \cup [\frac{8}{9}, 1], S3=[0,127][227,19][29,727][827,13][23,1927][2027,79][89,2527][2627,1]S_3 = [0, \frac{1}{27}] \cup [\frac{2}{27}, \frac{1}{9}] \cup [\frac{2}{9}, \frac{7}{27}] \cup [\frac{8}{27}, \frac{1}{3}] \cup [\frac{2}{3}, \frac{19}{27}] \cup [\frac{20}{27}, \frac{7}{9}] \cup [\frac{8}{9}, \frac{25}{27}] \cup [\frac{26}{27}, 1], and so on. The Cantor Set is the union of all SiS_i. Si+1S_{i+1} is constructed from SiS_i recursively by removing the middle third of SiS_i. The intersection of all SiS_i is closed and bounded and also not empty.

We say a set SRnS\in \R^n is dense in Rn\R^n if every point in Rn\R^n is a limit point of SS.

  • A set whose closure has no interior is nowhere dense.

A point xx of set AA is isolated if r>0,Br(x)A={x}\exists r > 0, B_r(x) \cap A = \{x\}

A perfect set AA is a set if every point of AA is the limit of a sequence in AA.